Newborn Photography

Caden James - Lifestyle Newborns

Caden is a fighter.  He came into this world a little early, five and a half weeks early to be exact, but to Cory and Abbe it couldn't be any sooner.  He spent the first 2 weeks of his life in the NICU gaining weight and strength but made such great improvements in such a short amount of time he was able to go and enjoy the comforts of home three and a half weeks early! 

Abbe has expressed some beautiful words about her sweet Caden I couldn't help but share a few... 

"Sometimes life doesn't go as planned, but those are the times that bring about the most amazing miracles. Squished nose, and teeny tiny, but the strongest little boy out there. He climbed so many mountains to get to us, and we are forever blessed."

This little guy is in the best hands with the most loving and encouraging parents I've met.  If he is this tough at such a young age, he is sure to go on to make his mom and dad very proud!